Lembaga Pendidikan Islam DRA Islamic International School

Salih and Shalihah

Educational Institutions which all aspects of their activities are based on the Qur’an and Sunnah which are reflected in akhlakul karimah

Go to Optimal Achievement

Optimal Achievement

Alhamdulillah with the mercy of Allah SWT Islamic Education Institute DRA Islamic International School struggled to achieve many achievements starting from the district, provincial, national and even international levels

Go to Digital Classroom

Digital Classroom

DRA Islamic International School has developed digital based education ranging from online learning systems, digital management systems, websites, online social media, online libraries

Go to Have a noble character

Have a noble character

Life skill program and 24-hour supervision of student activities including prayer 5 times, prayer habits, student morals towards the environment, and adherence to parents is a series of programs to give birth to students who have good habits

Alhamdulillah dan dengan memanjatkan rasa syukur kehadirat Allah SWT serta memohon pertolonganNya Lembaga Pendidikan DRA Islamic International School menyelenggarakan pendidikan bertaraf international. Dengan Ridho Allah SWT insyallah anak didik menjadi anak yang sholih dan sholihah.


Future AlQur'an leaders
Realizing the Future Leaders Have the character of the Qur'an

Our Primary School's Vision is Based on the Al Qur'an and the Sunnah, it embodies a generation of leaders with a moral character, global insight, entrepreneurial spirit who are ready to lead in all ages. Our Kindergarten School's vision is Based on the Qur'an and the Sunnah, realizing a noble and Islamic child, the optimal stage of development and independence. With the vision we have mentioned above, it is hoped that the results of the education of the Islamic Education Institute DRA Islamic School will become children who are prayerful who benefit religion, nation and country. Graduates have noble and sophisticated knowledge. Excellent programs organized by the Islamic Education Institute DRA Islamic School are one of the efforts to realize all the school's vision and mission. Blessings from Allah SWT may we all realize all the school's vision and mission.

  • The school conducts international examinations of mathematics, english and science lessons

  • The school has a program that passed grade 6 memorized 2 juz

  • Ready taking the National Standard Final Examination (UASBN)

  • In the teaching and learning process all material will be combined with the Qur'anic lessons

Our Education Team

The person who controls and leads the management of KB-TK-SD DRA Islamic International School

Aira Ferawati Lubis

The Principle of DRA Islamic International Schhol
The Principle of Kindergarten of KB-TK DRA Islamic International School

Dr. H. Ridwan Amir

The Founder of Yayasan DRA Islamic School
He is the founder of the Yayasan DRA Islamic School with the aim of preaching through the world of education

Ricky Prandana

Chairman of the foundation international Islamic school
Chairperson of the House of Representatives and Chair of the Islamic DRA Islamic International School Educational Institution Foundation

Ali Amar Harahap

Principal of SD DRA Islamic International School.
Together with the Head of the KB-TK School of DRA Islamic School overseeing International standard education at the DRA Islamic International School KB-TK-SD

Pesan dan Kesan Wali Murid dan Masyarakat

Pesan dan kesan yang disampaikan oleh wali murid dan masyarakat

Kami lembaga pendidikan DRA Islamic International School membuka pendaftaran siswa-siswi baru tahun pelajaran 2020-2021. Segeralah mendaftarkan putra-putri ayah bunda dan dapatkan diskon menarik. Segera daftar ke sekretariat PPDB kami atau daftar secara online melalui link di bawah ini

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